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depressed immune system

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on depressed immune system

Our daughter is 20 months old. She had two heart defects at birth and had a really rough st...
Found out that I have Weak immune system. 1st my niece had a cold then my sister. I caugh...
Are there any symptoms of an immune system response? I'm trying to figure out if I just hav...
Is it possible to seroconvert after 11 weeks? After an unprotected risk I have tested negat...
I have Follicular Lymphoma and low platelets. I currently have Mono. I am in remission from...
Once a person has sepsis is she more sucseptable (ms) to get it again with a pneumonia?
Hi all, I have noticed that I rarely seem to catch any of the colds & bugs doing the rounds...
I am a little confused. I am looking at ways to strenthen my immune system and lower my an...
Hello I was tested at 13 weeks and was neg, but I was told it was only conclusive if not g...
I'm almost fifteen years old, overweight, and always sick. I catch every single infection t...