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Posts on erectyle

29 male three years now chronic peeing feeling and pain that wont go away along with erecty...
I have a hard time getting erections and even if I masturbate and get a strong one I can st...
Hello doctor I'm 17 years old boy. I have been facing horribly out of energy since last 2 y...
i had gonethrough a urethrel stricture operation, which is due to a road accident. urine b...
how do i improve my sex performance cus i masturbate 3 times daily?
can HCV make ercetile dysfunction? can diabetes type 2- make heart dysfunction?
few days ago i had pain in my upper belly doctor gave me 2 medicienes after taking them i f...
I had mumps orchitis and after recovering from mumps my testicles shrunk to 1/2 of size. No...
Hi, I have been suffering from a problem for last 3 months. I feel like to bowel open al...
i am experiencing back pains, groin and hip pain. I am positive with PAtricks test. I had c...