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Posts on LASIK

can i go for lasik for spectacles removal my no is -8.5 as i have been given treatment of l...
I'm at my wit's end and hoping the redditor community can help me with some advice concerni...
Hi, I am planing to do lasik laser eye surgery. I planed for surgery and taken appointme...
Hey, Congrats everyone for running this wonderful forum. I am 33, have been wearing glas...
Several months ago, I noticed new blurriness in my right eye. I went to an optometrist, thi...
Hello all ! I've been thinking about doing a lasik surgery soon and it seems so far from...
I have a 17 year old son who has "lazy eye" in his left eye. He can see shapes, colors, out...
Almost 3 weeks now I have done LASIK in both my eyes and I am still suffering from a persis...
I had these lenses put in in 10/2010. Within the first three months I noticed that my visi...
It's been two years since I had Lasik surgery. Ever since I had the surgery, I started to ...