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Posts on stunting

Hello, my 4 year old son was diagnosed with SVT 8 months ago - he is on bisopronol 2.5 mg d...
Hi All, between 13-15 i had a growth spurt and since then i pretty much havent grown at all...
My mother went through gallbladder removal surgery for acalculous cholecystitis, four days ...
Im currently walking every day i go for 1 hour every single day but on weekends i.try 30min...
I am a cheerleader for my high school and while stunting I stubbed/jammed my thumb and ever...
Hello Doctor My question regards the drug Accutane, which I took when I just turned 15, ...
What is a circumaortic left renal vein?
I've been married now for 5yrs, together almost 11. My husband and I have 2 young girls. Hi...
Pregnancy is not the time to go on a low-calorie diet. There is evidence that your baby’s b...
hi,i'm 15 years old,i wanna ask about the natural penis length , in my age , i feel it's sh...