
growing pains

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on growing pains (99677)
I have had migraines for as long as I can remember. My mom would take me out of school to t...
Alright, back in mid-August this year I got my Birth Control, Implanon, removed because it ...
My 3 yr old didn't grow much for the first 1.5 yrs (gained 9 lbs since birth) Now has a fee...
I know that "growing pains" are normal Im approximately 12 weeks along in my third pregnanc...
How do growing pains feel like? (First pregnancy, 13Weeks)
Hello ladies, I am almost 13 weeks and I've been having some weird pains. Sometimes they fe...
Im 9 plus 5 and having slight pains is this growing pains? What do growing pains feel like?...
Is it possible for a 19 year old to be experiencing growing pains? Just turned 19 a month a...
Hey ladies! How early did you start getting like sore muscles in your belly? I guess growin...
Anybody have any tips for growing pains? Im 8 weeks and in absolute agony from it. Wud a ho...
Journals about growing pains(2)
1705346 tn?1349992206
This follows my first journal entry I made. This morning I woke up to get a shower an...
1705346 tn?1349992206

by Autistic4Life, Oct 17, 2012
Has another husband had a situation with his Wife that made him very very upset and yo...