will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on moluscum

Brief background: i am 18, i have had sex with only one person and we were in a relationshi...
I have recently been treated twice for moluscum in my pubic region by method of freezing. T...
Hi! I had a pap smear 1.5 years ago, which showed up with HPV; they told me it was NOT t...
My Baby is almost 3 and we see this reaction on her skin when she was 1 year and half, when...
i have a wart like raised, circular, pinkish, shiny growth, size of a very small button on ...
I had protected sex with someone about two months ago now. About 10 days later I noticed ...
Hi all! I just subscribed here, because I have molluscum in my belly..:( Actually , I ha...
I got tested for Herpes 2 back in April 08 and had a score of 0.7. About 6-7 Weeks ago I sl...
Hi, I had a growth on my abdomen that was a hard tiny bump. I thought it was an ingrown hai...
A few weeks ago I noticed a few small bumps in a row on the underside of my penis. I was...
My girlfriend performed oral on me for first time and two days later she got a coldsore (al...