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withdrawl symptoms

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on withdrawl symptoms

I had a csection back 02/24/2014 was prescribed 7.25 Narco took 4-5 a day for about 3 weeks...
Despite my better judgement and gut instinct, my Roxie addicted 18 year old daughter will r...
I have been taking oxycodone for about 2 years. I have gradually gone up and up on my dose...
i've been taking percocet for the last 7-9 yrs...started out with a legit scrip for a minor...
I have been on hydrocodone for a year and a half,my brother was killed in iraq may-29-09 i ...
I don't really know where to start but by saying "I need help!!!" I have been taking Lortab...
Hi all and I want to extend my thanks and appreciation for all I have read so far. I must s...
My whole problem started when I was 20 years old and found out I had endometrosis and was p...
Hi everyone, I have a question... I have been a bit concerned that I may be experiencin...
I have been off of Oxys for a month and half - I did the taper method (I was prescribed 200...