will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on PCOD

my daughter have recently done USG and found that she have small multiple cysts. what is t...
I have been detected with PCOS & Thyroid disorder around 3 month ago. My test results are a...
My doctor told me that egg growth is nice...I had intercourse on cd13...Today cd15 from mor...
i got pcos or hormonal imbalance n currently on metformin tablet(glyciphage)... the problem...
how many months can a women having pcod problem can miss her peroid...???
how many months on an average can a women having pcod problem can miss her pregnancy???
Hi, A little abt me, I have regular periods, no pain at all during my periods, I don't e...
Women with PCOS: Do you have pain in your ovary (left, right, or both) and have had an u...
Ok so im stil not sure with the recent diagnose i been given but i will tell you whats been...
My PCOD problem is resolved. Now there are multiple follicles in Left and right Ovary. Th...