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Posts on Amsler

Hi! I'm curious as to how long I need to look at the Amsler grid with each eye. RIght no...
I had cataract surgery in both eyes in May, and began to notice a slight kink in vertical l...
Dear Doctor I have a problem with the Amsler Grid having missing bits. I told my retina sp...
Do people with optic nerve drusen report amsler grid irregularities? I have optic nerve dr...
Dear Doctor Is it possible to tell whether an abnormal Amsler Grid is caused by scotomas...
I am 33 years old male. I am recently finding that flat screens look to me as bulgy or dist...
How can I have tweaked vision (letters and objects appear tweaked in one eye) only. I do n...
I have had several eye exams by eye MDs because I have an abnormal Amsler grid - bits missi...
My Question,I am in the process of having eye tests.On the Amsler Grid there were many squa...
Hi! I'm highly myopic and worried about my right eye. I have around -10D in both eyes (l...
Eye exam 4 months ago, 20 Years old, astigmatism, don't wear glasses - yet. I was going thr...