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Posts on depigmentation

Hello, I am a fifteen year old male who first developed Vitiligo when I was twelve. Sinc...
I'm a 48 year old female and have developed flat brown splotchy hyperpigmentation on my fac...
About a month ago i noticed a area on my upper lip has turned 'skin colored' or whiteish, w...
I have consantly suffered from cold sores which has resulted with some scaring on my lips, ...
I have a dark-skinned bi-racial, 6-year-old daughter who gets white marks on her skin every...
Hi, I know I'm not alone when I say I'm frustrated with my vitiligo. This came to me 3 ye... This is a follow up. Saw D...
I have been diagnosed for about 1 year with morphea (localised scleroderma) on my left brea...
What is the best way to get rid of vertical lines above lips and up to nose, my mouth looks...
Hi Doc.I'm an african america man.My lower lip is turning red evenly.An example of what's h...