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ms contin false negative

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on ms contin false negative (192718)
I survived a major accident resulting in many back surgeries, resulting in my need for medi...
Changing from OxyContin 40 mg, 3x's daily to morphine sulfate 60mg 2 x daily! I feel reall...
What is the difference between percocet and ms contin? Which is stronger. I was prescri...
what is ms-cotin will it help wds from vics
I rarely see anything about morphine or ms contin on the addiction forums. Does anyone kn...
I have been given Hydrocodone 10mg/500mg for my disability pain since August. My dr set me...
How much Ms.Contin is equal to 50 mg. of Tramadol?
My doctor has changed my pain med from 10mg Lortab to 75mg MS Contin. I notice that I do n...
I was prescribe MS Contin 30 mgs twice a day at 7 months pregnant and failed my urine test ...
Are there certain foods or drinks that will detract from the effectiveness of ms contin? I...