
Paralyzed Diaphram

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Paralyzed Diaphram (2957)
After my mother was admitted into the hospital with pnemonia we recently found that my moth...
My son had thumb surgery about 6 weeks ago. He was team roping and pulled his thumb off. ...
Hello I'm Nicky, I had surgey 1 year ago and I had a tumor removed from my chest, since th...
I am almost three months past my triple bypass. My surgeon said my shortness of breath is d...
I have had a virus that affected my phrenic nerve causing my diaphragm to work poorly. My d...
Is there any solution to an elevated diaphram pushing on a lung and breathing difficulty
Just recently had Heart Quad ByPass Surgery. (08-09-09) 53 yrs old non smoker (16 blocks!) ...
i have a med. size hernia which seems to lay in the diaphram area and is extremely uncomfor...
I had a double bypass a year ago and the nerve to the left lung was cut. I can barely breat...
Does any one know anything about the phrenic nerve grafting? Pros? Cons? The new process of...