will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on HS

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with HS about two years ago. It started as a few small pimp...
is Hydroadenitis hereditary ? can you sexually transmit it? is it contragious ? Can you giv...
Well>. i went to a RA Specialist.. who without doing any bloodwork.. diagnosed me wit RA, t...
my sister has a chronic, debilating condition. She has reoccrring boils. It does seems to...
I would like to suggest a category, possibly under dermatology, for Hidradenitis Suppurativ...
I have Hidradenitis Supperativa so it's not abnormal for me to have lumps and boils on my a...
What is the normal range for Troponins? How high or low can it be? I know this is involve...
A few months ago (Novemeber to be exact), I shaved my pubic area and noticed some ingrown h...
My lil Rosaria was born yesterday... She's so beautiful, no complications only cry wen tkn ...
Hs v 1 - Herpes Community
- Jul 03, 2018
What is the chance of transmitting hs v1 by a water bottle but no outbreaks!
hidradenitis suppuraativa