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Posts on repeating (4659)
Hi this message is repeating, I thought it might indicate a problem http://www.medhelp.o...
My son is 5 years old now. The star of my life. He is in a special education pre k. No actu...
I have been a mess with repeating thoughts and noises and bad pain in head and mouth since ...
There seem to be a few strange things going on with my mind these days. I don't know if thi...
My son has speech delay issues and he has just turned 3 on April1. He has a limited underst...
My friend's son will be 2 1/2 years old soon. I am very concerned about him. He does not ha...
It became a lot more frequent this week. I'm usually talking and realize that I've just rep...
I don't often see my grandchildren, but had the privilage of babysitting last night so my s...
Journals about repeating(1)
1810386 tn?1405549577
I've been listen to the words to JESSICA MAUBOY "Never Be The Same", fu...