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help for three year old cousin

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on help for three year old cousin

Our four year old grandson has been physically hurt by his 4 year old cousin (much bigger)....
7 year old cousin, whose in 2nd grade, played doctor with 3 year old cousin. She pulled my...
I have a three year old boy that has outbursts where he hits his sister and me. I have tri...
My niece is a good kid but has a few issues. She doesn't throw fits or anything violent jus...
my three year old itches constantly, there is no rash or anything to see at all, she is lik...
my three year old just started throwing tantrums they are very nerve wracking. i need some...
my three year old is having bouts of constipation about every two weeks... have been on mir...
My son just turned three and I was wondering if he should be talking completely clear? He c...
My cousin who is 12 ( female at the time was 6) about 3 weeks ago told her mother that her ...
My 7 year old son is a very good child in school, he makes A's and B's, and helps his teach...