

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on ens

I had a thoracotomy on 6/28/07, and have had significant pain problems since. Having tried...
Hi please can you give me some clear advice I had recently been trying everything to re...
Dear Empty Nose Syndrome patients, Empty Nose Syndrome (ENS) is a complex condition that...
Hi I am a Junior in High School and I have had a "stuffed" nose since the 7th grade, I ge...
Here is a bit of nervous system trivia. Why so many of us have gut and digestive issues. ...
ive been having sinus problems for months now i finally got results of my can scan and i do...
Hi I'm scheduled for turbinate reduction surgery and I wanted to know what to expect after ...
I had Turbinate reduction sinus surgery two months ago, my nose is sensitive when I breath,...
I had a turbinate reduction along with a tonsillectomy earlier this year. Now that it has s...
Has anyone been perscribed, or taken macrobid at the ens of there pregnancy? I was proscrib...
Am 19 and am having my first child amd its a boy (: am really neveeous and scared on how go...
My 11 year old has this pain that has haunted him for four years or more now. Each time...