will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on esophagogastric

i have acid refluxi had a endoscope the doc took a biopsy at the eg junction visualized wh...
What would cause your stomach to make noises after eating, make you have an upset stomach a...
what is meant by "LOOSE WRAP" nissen fundoplication surgery?
Hi Mid July I had a dreadful vomiting session - c. one and a half hours. Lots of blood. My...
Hello, I was diagnosed with end stage cirrhosis back in March 2010. My last lab test rev...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to find out as much information as possible on having fundoplicatio...
I am reposting articles / summaries on the treatment management of chronic HepB. "cajim" l...