
essential oils

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on essential oils

this is a quote for my Holistic Cat book that I follow author Sandy Arora "You can safely ...
Daisy is my four year old lab mix. She has the floppy ears of a lab and water gets trapped ...
Hi! I've been decompressed for 2 and 1/2 years. I occasionally still get headaches and it s...
34 weeks pregnant. Thoughts on the following oils - wintergreen - camphor - Peppermint ...
how does one find pure essential oils without synthetic additives that are not multi level ...
Has any one had any success in using essential oils to nauturally lower cholesterol levels?...
What essential oils are safe for pregnancy?
Hi, A bit out there. But has anybody heard of using essential oils for the preventation o...
Why can't you use the Andas Inhalator when you are pregnant?
One of the moms in my son's school says she puts essential-oil drops on her son's feet for ...
Is peppermint oil (or any headache oils) used for a headache ok to use during pregnancy?