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Emphysema vs COPD?

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

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Posts on Emphysema vs COPD?

hi was just wondering if any one knows what it means in pft tests what fev1 2.5 76% and fvc...
A CT indicated I have mild emphysema. I have shortness of breath all the time and chest pa...
hi my dad constantly spits up white sticky phlegm all day, every day! He will not go and se...
Just got back from the pulmonary doctor. I had a CT Scan which showed emphysema ... had a ...
I am 15 years old and diagnosed with COLD(Chronic Obstructive Lung Diseases). I know its un...
I recently had a chest CT scan regarding a vocal problem. Well it turns out that the findin...
Am really depressed about having emphysema. I'm only 43 never smoked. Diagnosed 1.5 years a...
Is copd, lung cancer?
ok so for about a year now i have been coughing up clear liquid and i mean alot of it. it s...
I posted a question earlier but I want to show what the xray findings were. Lungs look we...