
vertigo and monovision

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on vertigo and monovision

Hi! I have a couple of questions and appreciate your time to read this! I am a 48 yr o...
I am freaked out about the permanence of implants. After reviewing many forums, I have opte...
I had monovision surgery and now I have dry eyes, blurred vision, and there is times when I...
Hi Doc; I am 68 years old and was severely nearsighted, first corrected with glasses and t...
My eye doctor says there is possibility that my double vision is caused by one eye trying t...
I had cataract surgery in my left eye and the Tecnis multifocal lens was implanted. It has...
With myopic eyes I could wear contact lenses successfully for many years. As I age I can s...
I have recently seen an opthamologist and am ready for cataract surgery at any time. The c...
Hi All; What is the distance in inches or feet that constitute near, intermediate, and d...
Hello, I started seeing strange projections around lights about a year ago. 6 months ago, ...