will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Journals about interferon

461838 tn?1255790216

by headshop, Dec 23, 2008 - 1 Comment
My Nurse called to say my doctor because of my white blood count that I should cut my inter...
577132 tn?1314266526

by epiphiny, Dec 19, 2008
Yea-ah! 32 down, 16 to go!! Hehe, it's like revisiting my teens again!! Suddenly 16 ...
577132 tn?1314266526

by epiphiny, Dec 14, 2008 - 4 Comments
Woah, where did the day go? I have slept most of the day away. It astounds me that I can ...
577132 tn?1314266526

by epiphiny, Dec 12, 2008 - 5 Comments
2 hours post shot, feeling ok. Watched a movie and heading to bed as soon as this is poste...
577132 tn?1314266526

by epiphiny, Dec 07, 2008 - 2 Comments
Finally took that day off work that I've been promising myself, and it feels GREAT. Si...
577132 tn?1314266526

by epiphiny, Dec 04, 2008 - 1 Comment
How does it happen? Was doing just fine and then WHOOMP, I managed to crash in to that wal...
461838 tn?1255790216
I had a good feeling appt with Dr. and nurse. Nurse went ahead and gave me procrit as Dr sa...
461838 tn?1255790216
Had Week 15 visit, still UND, still anemic, taking procrit. 600 mg riba daily, 135000units ...
636290 tn?1224186146

by skydog007, Oct 04, 2008
I completed Peg-Intron/Ribavirin treatment from Sept. 2006 to Sept 2007. I contracted hep ...
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by destiny666, Sep 04, 2008 - 2 Comments
Well i avent written much lately, jst avent been in the moad, but todays a better day and t...