will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on intermittent

My 3 yr old daughter is losing pigment all over her body. She had a byopsy of the area and...
Not sure where to post this. A few days ago I had a sensation of the floor vibrating under ...
I need advice about whether or not this would be considered a very serious condition: Ab...
I am experiencing numbness, tingling in my pinkie/ring fingers of L hand. Also arm has pin...
Are ARS symptoms persistent / continuous over the period of AHI or can they appear, go away...
I've am experiencing sharp pain on the top of my head. The pain is intermittent and feels ...
positive thyroid antibodies w/ nl TSH and intermittent elevated T4(over 10 yrs) Sx. throat...
I am a 55 year male who recently retired ( June 1). I started taking Chantix on 7/31/2007 ...
what does angina feel like i have beenhaving intermittent pains short sharp and short dull ...
I'm a 32-year-old male ... had subdural hematoma with burr hole evacuation 4.5 years ago, a...