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Posts on internist (123)
I was diagnosed and treated for my fibromyalgia by a pain management doctor several years a...
I feel like I have no where else to turn and I need help. I've had 4 endocrinologists (i...
I have been taking lithium carbonate since I was 19-years-old. I have been taking it for m...
I'm a 37 year old male. I am an avid runner. I run 8 -10 miles six days a week. I run half ...
I've been having sharp pain in both of my upper breasts, radiating to my back and through t...
Hi, I had an endoscopy today. The only thing the Dr saw was a small hiatial hernia at the...
hi. due to pain on my left side i went to my internist for evaluation (gynecologist couldn...
I have been diagnosed for about 1 year with morphea (localised scleroderma) on my left brea...
I am having a lot of headaches at the moment, they feel a though the are at the back of my ...
Saw my internist today...... I have mild LLL pneumonia. jeez louise. I swear, I'm a ...