
not growing

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on not growing

My, now 13 month old, has been having issues with growth starting at about 9 months old. He...
so my question is stomach seems to have stayed the exact same size for the past s...
I was just wondering if anyone has had the same issue and if it can cause problems. I am 31...
So I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow. An I've been the same weight for 2 months now. At the beginn...
Hi this is my first time being pregnant im 14 weeks and im not showing at all yet does anyo...
So, I just had my 32 week appointment and apparently my uterus hasnt grown since I was abou...
I'm almost 15 years old and I'm still 4 foot 11 inches. My private parts are also way too s...
Is it normal that I'm 14 weeks and my belly has only slightly grown?
Okay so i am 14 weeks 2 days and i really havent grown any. Is this normal? Because im begi...
so im 19weeks 0days and ive already found out the sex and everything.but im still not showi...
I went to the gp and she measured and said that according to the midwifes notes from 2wks a...
Yesterday i had an appt. And my doctor told me that its not growing instead its getting sho...
I'm 30 weeks n I look lik I am 4 months pregnant . I was size 6 before I got pregnant n hav...