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Posts on fragrance (777)
I get migraines from people around me who where perfume/colognes or from scented air freshe...
Did you know there can be food in soap ingredients which can pose as a potential allergin f...
Why does so me perfume smell like Off bug repellant and another smell like gasoline?
I've started to wash my sons clothes and what not and i have dreft but can you use downy wi...
I have a skin rash that has been present for almost 2 years. It varies in severity and is b...
I'm going to start washing little mans clothes and I wanted to know of some good baby laund...
Im 25 weeks pregnant. Im having a lot of discharge. My doctor said it is very normal. I don...
What's good to use for it on toddlers & something that actually works PLEASE?
So I've read that basically everything with fragrance is bad for a fetus! What is everyones...
What causes eczema? I've had eczema since I was around 1 or 2 (I'm 17 now). It had gone a...