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the enviroment

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on the enviroment

A determine HIV 1/2 kit used for testing a patient and is throwed in a dust bin. We want k...
Hello experts: Firstly, you may think my question is ridiculous,so please forgive me,b...
Im currently 12 weeks pregnant.. my boyfriend isnt being emotionaly supporitve at all and s...
Sorry if this is TMI....Well, i'm on chlomid and I was told that can cause hostile envirom...
I have a dizzy spell and then the room moves around for a little while and then stops, how ...
10weeks ago a friend of mine did sex with a sexworker in my flat. he said that the condom w...
I am a dance teacher and very healthly with no allergies,no medications... and I keep getti...
Should my child continue in daycare if he has become a tyrant. He has started hitting, kic...
1. It is said that the HIV virus will turn to be not infectious when exposed immediately to...
Dear doctor, Last month, I went to a hospital. When I in the entrance, I was stepping o...