
C-Diff Experiences

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on C-Diff Experiences

Hi, I am writing on behalf of my mother, she has suffered for over six months now with a ho...
My 65 year-old mother was ill for weeks with severe diarrhea and then lost her appetite alt...
I have been experiencing extreme abdominal pain, heart burn, maybe like IBS Symptoms..eithe...
Any ladies have this or have the test come back high? I was told last week my test came ba...
I was on antibiotics most of the summer for various reason and then when I got a abscessed ...
My mother was diagnosed with c-diff and Colestipol granules were prescribed. Upon researchi...
Does stool from overgrowth of c-diff have a different smell? If so, what is the cause?
C diff. - Dogs Community
- Mar 02, 2015
My dog is paralyzed from ruptured discs in her back despite surgery. She obviously has no ...
hi , i went for routine hosp app with my sister i had a slight chest infection at the time ...
My wife recently had diarrhea for almost 3 weeks. Her Gastrologist recommended a colonosco...
My wife is on her 5th bout of c-diff, we assume. The first 3 were thought to be the flu. N...