will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on stolen

i woke up this mornin and 4 of my ten mg perks were missing (husband) i was going to try an...
After shoulder surgery I have been on percocet. It recently came to my attention that 64 p...
My boyfriends prescription was stolen from him, when he left his car. He had been driving w...
You have stolen from me Who do you think you are Running my life Wasting my time I shou...
I am new to pain management. I just started 3 weeks ago. My pain dr prescribed Vicodin 5/35...
I am on percocet 10mg for the past 7 years for chronic back pain. For the first time in 7 ...
Been getting. Nose bleeds slot is this normal?
someone stoll my meds what can i do about the withdraws i will have i took like 30mg 4 a da...
Ok my fiance came home round 3a.m stating that our car was stolen from his friend house whe...
Hey ladys just wanted to get some opinions on baby boy names. Any names would be helpful. ...