
emotional upset

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on emotional upset (67884)
An interesting series of events led to me being emotionally upset yesterday, which was fol...
My husband and I had to go to his grandfather funeral this morning, & besides sitting next ...
I hate this whole hormonal change. I feel like everytime I'm alone all I do is cry, and I g...
I'm so emotional everyday there is not a day that goes by that i ddon't cry.. my boyfriend ...
I don't know about you guys but im so tired of being ***** I can't stop cry...
Is it normal to want to cry every day? And get upset easily? Also leaking when...
Im 33 weeks and my boyfriend and i been together for 4yrs this is our first child together ...
Anybody else has a really bad attitude. I have been really upset like cursing people out up...
Today was a really bad day for me. And i feel like my husband just doesnt understand. I an ...
my 8 yr old daughter crys all the time when going to school etc she says she doesnt know wh...
Journals about emotional upset(1)
585512 tn?1233372450
Huge emotional upsets can cause me to feel like being lazy instead of exercising. How...