will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Journals about Smoking

1914316 tn?1349025435
Hello whoever might be reading, I'm definitely not an expert on health or weight loss, ...
3426191 tn?1347335277

by Wambli, Sep 11, 2012
I am having several issues that all seem to come at me at once. My sleeping is still very i...
2026843 tn?1333807624

by Kresaera, Feb 11, 2012
I've quit doing heroin, I've stopped being tempted to do other drugs, I've even...
1317248 tn?1295927009
useing a timer on my watch set to every 30 min i can have a smoke then slowly make it longe...
1756387 tn?1312563120
So this is my first time in a forum like this and I am hoping to just calm my head so I ca...
10947 tn?1281404252
Would seeing a diseased lung, a dead body, or a hole in someone’s throat when you reach for...
1533352 tn?1307054656

by RachelK82, Jun 02, 2011 - 3 Comments
So everythings been driving me so crazy lately, Ive been smoking alot more lately, just abo...
1310570 tn?1404719992

by zara2010, May 24, 2011 - 4 Comments
Yea we made it!!! Today we (me and my Fiance) will have quit smoking 4 MONTHS!!! We w...
1382355 tn?1372530675
So I've been very hungry today! Eaten loads! Also had 4 packets of smokey bacon crisps...
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by Blinky24, May 12, 2011
Started smoking again over the week-end. Some things happened that really stressed me. Have...