will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on uterus

I took a home pregnancy test 6 days ago and and went to the doctor 1 day ago. They Original...
So just some background info - I have had my period before once was my freshman year in HS ...
Does the uterus swell and become tender during, or right before implantation? Or is that *o...
I am 52 yrs old, according to my female hormone blood work - I am in menopause. My mother h...
uh, i'm 15 weeks, 16 weeks on friday.... i'm a pretty avid poster... today i was cleaning t...
I just received my radiology report back & it states the following: Procedure: Multiple ...
Where should I be able to feel my uterus at at 17 weeks?
I have 3+ cystocele with rectocele and have had a pessary for 2 weeks. I plan to have corr...
**I am NOT TTC.** just curious. I made an appointment with my gyno, But I couldnt get in u...
Hello: A week ago Monday, I got a sudden pain in the abdomen that stopped me in my track...