

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on abcde

My son has a small mole on his left foot at the side of the sole. It is only about 1.5mm in...
Today is my Birthday!!!!! Im 31 weeks n I really wanna pick out a name today...I wanna go w...
What are some of the most unique, pretty, or strange names you have heard. Boy or Girl.
I accidentally scratched off a mole on my back, and it bled quite a bit. I put a band-aid o...
I've read the more than 100 moles increases a person's chance of getting skin cancer. The...
I have had a rather large mole on my face since I was a little girl. The doctors have alway...
Hello Im 24, used tanning salon maybe 20 times in my life..... i remember getting burned a ...
I had a horizontal mole on the bottom of my right foot, just below the middle toe. It was s...
Dear All, I had oral sex with a woman three hours after shaving last nigh...
I have this one question - could a mole that looks atypical, but is not changing in size or...