
concor 2.5

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on concor 2.5

Dear Dr, May I know there is any side effects on I take simvastatin 20mg 1tablet At night ...
I've seen alot of common symptoms from the above discussions. I am a 30 yr old female, rela...
How long should a patient is supposed to use the cardioc tablets. As my father (67 yrs )is...
is someone have tachycardia feel tired even now im 29 years old i begin to understand why b...
Hi everyone ! I came to this forum to hope that maybe someone here will find my story simi...
I get tachicardia, strong ones, one, every six months in 180 beats per minute and doctors a...
Hello.My mother had brain anaurysm that rupted and she has surgery 3 weeks ago .The surgery...
Dear Sir, I am 47 years old. Three months ago, 03 stents were placed in my RCA. In my angio...
How do we define heart failure? Am I correct to say that it does not refer to an absolute ...
i am 55years old , I am on eltoxin 100 mg daily because i had thyrodeyctom 15 years back ...