
reading about anxiety

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Posts on reading about anxiety

i was just curious if anyone else had memory problems or trouble reading some times??? i ha...
i am a bisexual and had sex about a week with 3 different men.. two of them i did not use c...
I was just wondering is it bad idea to keep reading threads on this forum if you have a rea...
Since I have gone back into a severe set back and have a ton of anxiety books I spend lots ...
I have so much anxiety about WD I feel like I am sabotaging I have been crying so much last...
I am hypothyorid and my new blood results are: T4, 9.6 T3 100 TSH .13 It sa...
I went and had my annual physical like every year for my job. I have never had any heart pr...
Can anyone recommend a book about Graves' Disease? I am newly diagnosed and want to read a...
I thought my anxiety had gone away and it got worse last night. I was minding my own busine...
My doctor told me that my TSH is .23 and the normal range is .35 in Canada. The doctor advi...