
chest pain w/pericardial cyst

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on chest pain w/pericardial cyst

I have had 2 different CT scans (with iodine) about a year apart from each other. The firs...
Hi there, I am new to the site. I am looking to find information on pericardial cysts. They...
I have a pericardial cyst. I have dyspnea. A ct was done and the cyst was discovered. After...
In 2007 I had two pericardial cysts, 3 and 2 cm each. Now, three years later, they are dou...
My cousin has a percardiaal cyst on the inside and outside of his heart. The doc has not o...
I had a chest X-ray in January 2016, it was identified I had a right pericardial cyst, the ...
I am new to the forum, and I was diagnosed w/ cardiomyopathy in mar 05, and recently had an...
Dear Sir, I'm a 37 year old single mom to a beautiful 15 month old baby girl. I was rec...
My echocardiogram report said "Left ventricular size, function, wall motion and wall thickn...
i have recently been told i have cardiomegaly, also some fluid around my heart, have a echo...