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Posts on wall-e (40591)
my stress echocardiography states mild hypertrophy of IVS.No LV regional wall motion abnorm...
my stress echocardiography states mild hypertrophy of IVS.No LV regional wall motion abnorm...
Hi my uncle report showed Left Atrium 3.5 Cm Left Ventricle 4.6x2.0 cms EF : 60% IVS 1....
I am 23. no real big symptoms other than the occasional shortness of breath and a typical c...
I recently have had Pericarditus and went into hospital and suspected one of my valves were...
Baseline Echo: All walls show normal thickening and endocardial excursion. No regional wa...
On my last echo, there was no lvh, nothing signficant except for trivial regurgitation. But...
Im a 23 year old guy that used to be very active up until september where i got a racing he...
Hi, yesterday had done echo and pro bnp the results are..... Structural Interpretation ...
I just got the results of my stress test. LVM = 177gm or 103 gm/m LVEF = 55% LV diast...
Journals about wall-e(1)
908149 tn?1248716219

by Krisiness, Jun 23, 2009 - 3 Comments
And how do I feel so bad when I'm around shei and tom. I can not look at tom witho...