"Detuning" Continuing to Understand My Recovery from and the Identification of Tardive Dysphrenia
"Detuning" Continuing to Understand My Recovery from and the Identification of Tardive Dysphrenia
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sometimesidontnowhoiam, Dec 02, 2010
I like!!
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Dec 02, 2010
Thanks. Since then things have markedly improved because I was prescribed Lovaza which has shown to be helpful on mood swings but in myself on tardive dyskinesia which is a first time use in this regard. Many of the symptoms I was experiencing then are now being treated but in the meantime I found collage work a good creative outlet and helpful for recovery purposes as well as I would later discuss some of the symbolism in it and concerns with my psychiatrist. As a person could see from the collage the world appeared to be a very frightening place then to me reasons both psychiatric and neurological but now that both are being further treated I have a greater sense of stability. I have also addressed my emotional concerns as well.