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"Stranded", "Aspects of Tardive Dysphrenia", Homebound, Waiting for Diagnosis and Accommodations..
"Stranded", "Aspects of Tardive Dysphrenia", Homebound, Waiting for Diagnosis and Accommodations..
Comments (3)
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paranoid_cataclysm, Jul 12, 2010
I can definitely see why you named it stranded and how it correlates in each and ever piece to your being homebound, waiting for a diagnosis and accommodations, etc.
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Jul 12, 2010
Thanks. Yes. Still working on that. Will be seeing my neurologist (who is in discussion with a researcher in the field) within the next couple of weeks and am setting up representation and advocacy for my needed accommodations. As well when I do these collages I also write up an analysis of them and I mail that to my psychiatrist (whom I saw last week) to detail what is happening as best as I can explain it from a consumer perspective and he is also following up with my other providers in working to find a diagnosis and has also been quite helpful with any documentation I need as regards my accommodations. One accommodation I should have soon is some form of voice synthesizer (simple computer device) as the dysphagia has become treatment refractory to the point where I can't speak coherently. However as I speak less, my creative abilities (which were improved by the glycine's effect on negative and cognitive symptoms of schizoaffective) has shifted from the writing process (such as my poetry) to the visual. My family and close friends however are very supportive and in a couple of weeks my birthday is coming up so I will have a nice then just like any day I am able to get out and about which hopefully should be increasing.
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paranoid_cataclysm, Jul 12, 2010
Good to hear you're working towards getting the things you need.  Early happy birthday to you, I just had mine yesterday.