will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Sarah as a puppy
Sarah as a puppy
Comments (9)
354706 tn?1279470795
PinkTissue, Sep 28, 2008
Cute little puppy.  Is she naughty when she is a small puppy?
483733 tn?1326798446
TrudieC, Sep 28, 2008
Except for a little piddlying in the floor she was good.  She only cheweed kleenexes, no shoes or anything.
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cirella, Sep 28, 2008
What a little sweetie!
106886 tn?1281291572
Mary 53, Oct 20, 2008
Hoping that Sarah has had some relief from the Arthritis. What a sweet puppy she was! How old is she now?
408448 tn?1286883821
marie3B, Oct 20, 2008
So Cute.  My dog brought me a dead rat in the back yard today.  Helpful, I guess, but not cute.  Marie
106886 tn?1281291572
Mary 53, Oct 20, 2008
Marie (sorry Trudie, gotta hijack  your picture posts) Maya found some baby rabbits one day and brought them individually to our back porch. BABIES!!!  She had a very gentle mouth and did not hurt any of them. We think they lived... Jed moved them to safety. Mary
483733 tn?1326798446
TrudieC, Oct 20, 2008
that is so sweet.  Sarah lives for chasing rabbits and squirrels.  I think she'd just lick them if she caught them.  She is 8 years old.
643704 tn?1304684432
Flicka0459, Oct 22, 2008
She is sooooo cute.  Dogs are so much fun and entertaining.
356929 tn?1246389756
Sandymac, Oct 22, 2008
What an absolutely adorable little creature !!!