will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
13 wks, 2 days, nuchal scan 28/12/12
13 wks, 2 days, nuchal scan 28/12/12
Comments (12)
1340863 tn?1366641084
sisi2399, Dec 27, 2011
1002983 tn?1349822086
Marietta2000, Dec 27, 2011
Thanks girlfriend!!  How are you?  I hope you decided to tell your family - what wonderful news for you all!!!  You're staying in my prayers XOXOXO
334926 tn?1436811523
butterflybabies, Dec 27, 2011
So cute!!
1396867 tn?1520810258
hopeitworks, Dec 28, 2011
Hello Baby!!! So precious
1571146 tn?1399909692
Moma_Cher, Dec 28, 2011
Oh my goodness!! Look at that baby!! So beautiful!!
1002983 tn?1349822086
Marietta2000, Dec 28, 2011
Thanks my dear friends!  I felt a warm glow watching my bub moving around yesterday.  I'm trying to have more hope now that this might actually happen!  XOX
881363 tn?1499241613
clog5, Dec 30, 2011
How on earth did i miss this beautiful pic, lol Aww so beautiful so glad everything is gping well so pleased. for you xxx
1002983 tn?1349822086
Marietta2000, Dec 31, 2011
Thanks Clare!  It's so beautiful to see them from this stage onwards!  It's amazing how early on they look just like minature, perfectly formed babies!  All the best to you all for 2012!!  XOXOX
881363 tn?1499241613
clog5, Dec 31, 2011
Happy new year to you and your 3babies,
I loved seeing how much charlotte. Grew from 8 weeks, can't wait to meet her x
961574 tn?1520648103
mhv, Dec 31, 2011
Awwwww ;). So cute :)