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Flying squirrel, twice the weight now
Flying squirrel, twice the weight now
Comments (3)
483733 tn?1326798446
TrudieC, Aug 13, 2009
What an amazing picture!  How are they raised in the wild?  
187666 tn?1331173345
ireneo, Aug 13, 2009
Mom has her litter in a tree cavity. They are nocturnal so we rarely see them. They come out around dark, glide from tree to tree, rarely touch ground and munch on lichen, moss, leaves, even some insects. And they have the most beautiful, large dark eyes. When this little kid gets bigger, I'll post a picture of her when she's close to release. For now you can see the line along her side where the loose skin is located and stretches out from front leg to back to create the glider effect. And the fur on their tails grows out to the side so the tail looks rather flat. They use that like a rudder. This little girl is the only survivor of her family of 5; 4 other babies did not make it. Mom squirrels were abandoning their nests and babies during that extremely hot weather (106) that we had. At least this little one will make it back to the trees.
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aheart, Mar 30, 2011
Oh, poor babies! I'm glad she made it, little survivor!