will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
early Catalina picture
early Catalina picture
Comments (3)
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Feb 02, 2011
Isn't Catalina beautiful!!  She even looks like a sociable girl.  And she matches her mousie.  
875426 tn?1325528416
LivingInHope, Feb 02, 2011
I believe God made her very beautiful!  And she is very sociable a lot of the time.  Sometimes, she lets me know "I don't want to be petted right now." by either ducking her head and even her body or pawing at me or threatening to nip.  I think she's learned pretty well not to let her teeth hurt me already when she does her little gentle nip that says "I want to play with you!"  She waits outside closed doors for me or sometimes comes running to greet me when I open my bedroom door!  

Her leopard like spots seem to stand out in the picture I posted with the purse.  This mouse was one of her first toys and we have a video of her grooming herself and grooming the mouse.  It's kind of funny to see her trying to rend the mouse with her teeth too and then start licking it.  My sister planted some catnip to put in it after the packaged stuff from the store, so there was fresh catnip in it last year while the catnip was alive.
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Feb 03, 2011
We planted catnip in our garden last year.  It wasn't able to mature due to both Jade and our neighbor kitty rolling on the plant!  Last night Jade was clawing the couch instead of the scratching post and got a claw caught.  I pick her up and try to hold her weight and get the claw out at the same time - well, Jade nips me gently on the chin to let me know she was uncomfortable and I wasn't doing something right, lol.  We got it figured out eventually.  Haha...Jade, too, loves her mousies and will groom and lick them.  So cute.  I bet your video is adorable!