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Jeff getting ready to chew up a pillow.
Jeff getting ready to chew up a pillow.
Comments (7)
172023 tn?1334672284
peekawho, Jan 17, 2009
This is typical Jefferson.  He gets on the couch, works the pillow into a good configuration for chewing, and then goes to town.
He was actually nursing on the pillow a few minutes before I took the picture.  
145992 tn?1341345074
mami1323, Jan 21, 2009
He is so adorable.  He looks mischievious (sp.?).
483733 tn?1326798446
TrudieC, Jan 21, 2009
Does he have any of his own soft toys to chew or is it better if it belongs to you?  My golden lives for kleenex.  I will catch her going into the garbage to get them so she can suck and chew and strew them all throughout the house.
356929 tn?1246389756
Sandymac, Jan 21, 2009
What a beautiful animal !!! Trudie.. that's funny.. My golden always went for books !! Lost an entire "C" issue of a nice alphabetical set of cookbooks !!
931697 tn?1246242383
Suzanne Hetts, PhDBlank, Jul 01, 2009
Jefferson's behavior is qualitatively different from getting into the trash to get kleenex or chewing up books.  The blanket sucking is a stereotypy or compulsive behavior, the others are not.
172023 tn?1334672284
peekawho, Jul 02, 2009
Thanks, Dr. Hetts!  
390388 tn?1279636213
Me967, Jul 09, 2009
Peek Hi.  I just read your post on s.u.c.k.i.n.g blankets.  My Great Dane Caesar does the SAME EXACT THING only with a microfleece blanket (or if it is in the wash, sometimes my cloths).  

He will grab the blanket and soak it with slobber holding it in his mouth and s.u.c.k.i.n.g on it like a great big pacifier until he falls asleep every night.  I don't like it; but, my husband thinks it's cute.  Grrrr.  I'm terrified some day he is going to eat some of it.  It's like his blankey or something.  LOL  I thought I had the only dog that done that.