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obagi nu-derm tolereen

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources



Common Brand Name(s): Aquanil HC, Caldecort, Cetacort, Cortaid, Hycort, Hytone
Phonetic Pronunciation: (HYE-droe-KOR-ti-sone)
Information last revised May 2010

What does HYDROCORTISONE - TOPICAL look like?

A0146300hydrocortisone 2.5 % Ointment
A2708020hydrocortisone 2.5 % Lotion
Act03210hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Cvs37300hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Prg00040hydrocortisone 2.5 % Topical Cream
Fga00800hydrocortisone 2.5 % Topical Cream
Alp03370hydrocortisone 2.5 % Topical Cream
Cvs40251Anti-Itch (HC) 1 % Topical Cream
Wal00694hydrocortisone 1 % Ointment
Trg09160Anti-Itch (HC) with Aloe & Vitamin E 1 % Topical Cream
Fga00160hydrocortisone 0.5 % Ointment
Fga01541hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Avd01000Scalacort 2 % Lotion
Prg04380hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
A0020310hydrocortisone 1 % Ointment
Qlt77850hydrocortisone 2.5 % Lotion
Cly00140hydrocortisone 2.5 % Ointment
Wal00490hydrocortisone 0.5 % Topical Cream
Prg00041hydrocortisone 2.5 % Topical Cream
Fga02880hydrocortisone 2.5 % Lotion
Fga01460hydrocortisone 2.5 % Ointment
Wal00495hydrocortisone 0.5 % Ointment
Wal00497hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Wal0049chydrocortisone 0.5 % Topical Cream
Fga01540hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Prg09370hydrocortisone 2.5 % Lotion
Cvs44521cortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Arb04200Pediaderm HC 2 % Kit, Lotion & Cream, Emollient
A0015310hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
A033730zhydrocortisone 2.5 % Topical Cream
Prg00140hydrocortisone 2.5 % Ointment
Wal00491hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Prg00042hydrocortisone 2.5 % Topical Cream
Fga00200hydrocortisone 1 % Ointment
Cvs32241cortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Wal00660hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Wal00710hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Fga01810hydrocortisone 1 % Ointment
Prg00141hydrocortisone 2.5 % Ointment
Prg02830hydrocortisone 1 % Lotion
Cvs44520cortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Jsj00110Texacort 2.5 % Topical Soln
A0080310hydrocortisone 2.5 % Topical Cream
A032126zhydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Gld27080hydrocortisone 2.5 % Lotion
Avn00950Hytone 2.5 % Topical Cream
Mjr76230hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Alp13260hydrocortisone 1 % Ointment
Fga00150hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Wal00692hydrocortisone 1 % Topical Cream
Trg09180Anti-Itch (HC) with Oatmeal 1 % Topical Cream
Fga00140hydrocortisone 0.5 % Topical Cream
Fga02870hydrocortisone 1 % Lotion
Prg09371hydrocortisone 2.5 % Lotion
Cut00100First-Hydrocortisone 10 % Topical Gel


This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (e.g., insect bites, poison oak/ivy, eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash, itching of the outer female genitals, anal itching). Hydrocortisone reduces the swelling, itching, and redness that can occur in these types of conditions. This medication is a mild corticosteroid.
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This is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This information does not assure that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs.
The information contained in the First DataBank databases is intended to supplement the knowledge of physicians, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals regarding drug therapy problems and patient counselling information. This information is advisory only and is not intended to replace sound clinical judgment in the delivery of healthcare services. First DataBank disclaims all warranties, whether expressed or implied, including any warranty as to the quality, accuracy, and suitability of this information for any purpose.