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2 year old: bm trouble/pain

My friends son recently had very hard stools which caused him alot of pain and difficulty.  The doctor put him on a stool softener. It seems to have helped to a certain extent (he doesn't have to strain to get it out as much) but he is still is alot of pain when he goes.  it can take 10-20 min for a bm all the while he is crying and moaning, and trembling all over - even with the softer stool. Sometimes, though, it does seem easier for him, less painful. Last week the doc switched softeners, but the next appt isn't for 2 months, with the instructions that 'that's all that can be done right now'.  I am concerned that this is too long for a follow up, that something may get missed, but mostly that because of the pain and difficulty, he'll start 'withholding' and create a blockage or something.  I should mention related medical items:  at 2 weeks he was hospitalized with seizures due to calcium levels dropping, treated and released. His family members have allergies - anaphylactic reactions to peanuts, or bananas, etc.  And he begins with a speech therapist soon because he won't speak (just grunting, yet hearing test was OK).
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Dear Julie,

Thanks for your reply. It's OK for well meaning folks to disagree (about the vaccination debate, etc.). That's how more gets learned by both parties! :-)

I'm glad you will consider the holistic and gentle (harmless/no side effects) methods for your friend's little child's bowel problems.

For example, the infant type of BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("pro-biotics"), (milk free and gluten free) mixed with a little water, may help alleviate the child's constipation in a drug-free natural manner, especially if the child's beneficial large intestinal "flora" were possibly destroyed by antibiotics, other meds, or illness. Good health food stores will carry such items in the refrigerated section.

I hate to too quickly blame illnesses on psychological factors, before investigating the possible physical causes. It's a good idea to rule out organic causes, or find them. Of course stress can be a factor, but even with adults, if one, for example had an ulcer due to stress, the ulcer must be also healed, along with the stress.

If you'd like to investigate the "other side of the vaccination debate", you might read a (not too wordy) book called "IMMUNIZATION, THEORY vs REALITY, Expose on Vaccinations" by Neil Z. Miller, (1995/1996) that includes many respected mainstream medical journal article reference, including from THE LANCET, and THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, SCIENCE, BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, etc.

If you read this book, I'd be interested in what you think about it, after you read it. I've already read BOTH pro vaccination and con vaccination information, and from this plus seeing more than one permanently vaccine-injured children, I have serious misgivings about the risk/benefit ratio of vaccinations into healthy infants and children.

Concerned lady

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PS, though. you are right.  With the family history of allergies, etc. perhaps some holistic and more natural food sources may help him. thx
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thank you very much for your good wishes.

and I appreciate that you mentioned that that website you referenced is run by parents who are anti-vaccination.  As you are aware, many people are deliberately mislead by names like "National Vaccination Information Center", unfortunately believing that these sites are federal and therefore unbiased and providing as much information as possible. That's just not the case, and when it comes to our children's health we need all the information - not only the bits that suit a purpose.

And yes, I am well aware that there are risks with vaccinations (my sympathies to those whose children were adversely affected). BUT, as a nurse I am sure you are aware that we cannot afford the luxury of believing that "since little Judy isn't vaccinated and didn't get sick, then we call all stop the shots". It's called 'Herd Immunity'. Little Judy didn't get sick because most of her friends ARE immunized. Compare the numbers of children injured through vaccination vs. the numbers of children injured through disease in the pre-vaccination days.  Look at the 92-93 polio outbreak among school children in the Netherlands. Look at 2nd and 3rd world countries that are unable to provide vaccinations in health care to their populations, and compare childhood mortality rates. And as a pregnant mother, I feel a heck of alot better knowing that because most of my sons friends (and most especially ME) are immunized against German Measles the incidence of this disease is much lower - so my baby's risks are much lower.

You're right, vaccination is not perfect. But in the matter of disease, it is the best defense we have. We cannot cure viral infection (as with antibiotics for bacterial infections), and so prevention is one of our only weapons. Again, my sympathies for those who've lost a child, but there are degrees of risk and everyone should have ALL the information to make a decision. If Jenner had never discovered the process, we'd be sympathisizing with 5-10x the grieving parents whose children had been lost to disease.
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Dear Julie,

I used to be a nurse, and I have seen malpractice (resulting in deaths) that was covered up. The "coverups" were "misleading" to the FAMILIES of the patients who received the malpractice.

I think there will always be controversy about medical procedures. Get 3 docs together, and you will get 5 opinions. Same with nurses. Same with patients.

For the parents of infants and children who saw healthy children die or be forever damaged by seizures, encephalopathy, autism, etc. due to the bad side effects of some vaccinations, there can be no consolation.

BUT, new parents should think long and hard about the risk/benefit ratio, regarding the "sacred cow" of vaccinations. (The "Emperor's Clothes" tale also comes to mind...)

Vaccinations are MEDICATIONS. Like ALL OTHER MEDS,
they CAN have serious or fatal side effects, and there is plenty of evidence of this, in the mainstream medical literature, if one has the time to thoroughly research it.

You might find a website about this interesting. It is the website of NVIC (National Vaccination Information Center), created by parents whose children WERE adversely affected by vaccinations.

Also, an interesting book on this subject is called: IMMUNIZATION, THEORY vs. REALITY: Expose on Vaccinations, by Neil Z. Miller. (1996) This book gives some sobering "food for thought", about vaccinations.

I've had some conversations with conservative MD's who said they had serious concerns about vaccination side effects, but they were afraid to openly express them, for fear of censure by the American Medical Association.

But regardless of differences of opinion about vaccinations, I hope the little child gets helped and feels better, soon!

I sure wish, when I was young, that someone would have given my parents some "holistic" advice about constipation similar to what I posted above. I might have gotten help a lot earlier that way. I don't have the problem any more, since I listened to some folks at health food stores.

Sincerely, Concerned lady

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Nope, not potty training.  It just started with some constipation and although the stool is back to normal, the difficulties are ongoing. but the idea to post in general practictioners area is very good. thx.

One thing though. There was a comment on vaccinating and his seizures.  First, we don't know why his calcium was so low, but that's what caused his seizure, and it's never been a problem since.  If he was sick, we would postpone vaccinating him, HOWEVER one side effect of some vaccinations (pertussis, MMR) is FEVER, and a few children are prone to febrile seizures.  These are seizures induced by rapidly rising or very high fever. Treatment with tylenol to lower any fever for these children is adequate to forstall a seizure occuring (almost all children out grow this tendancy for the febrile seizures by 2-3 years old - after most vaccinations are finished).  Vaccination is one of the few effective tools we have to protect our children from disease and I hate disinformation that will mislead people.

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I agree... Have they been trying to pressure him to potty train? A good resource is T. Berry Brazelton on the subject. It is a bad pattern that be caused by the pressure to be trained. Their best bet if they are is to put him in diapers and lay off for a while until the problem resolves and he is ready.
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Is this child being potty trained? My son had a similar experience when I was potty training him. I may be way off thinking this, but kids who are being trained to have their BMs on the toilet see it as a very scary thing. Almost like they are losing part of themselves. If this is happening try giving a reward everytime he goes. Such as a bite size snicker bar.
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Please forgive the unintentional multiple postings. I kept getting an "error" message, so I kept trying again. I'm surprised that there was a delayed posting reaction!

I hope others give their ideas too, to help the suffering child.

Sincerely, Concerned lady

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If he was my kid, I take him to a specilist in pediatics gastrologoy (my spelling sucks sorry).  Of course I'm sure the parents have already put him on a good healthy diet of fruits, veggies, and cereals.  No chocolate, caffine (coke, dr. pepper) etc.  If he wont eat the healthy stuff just wait him out, hunger will cause him to eat.
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I hope this little child gets some good medical help NOW, so he can be gently treated and cured!

Has he been seen by a good pediatric NEUROLOGIST, ENDOCRINOLOGIST, and GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST yet?

Here is what helps many infants and toddlers to correct simple constipation, that was caused by antibiotics, or other medications, or illness:

The good, beneficial bacteria called "probiotics" are often killed off by antibiotics, medications, illness, etc.

You can try giving the child (with doctor's OK) an infant/child preparation of "BIFIDO-BACTERIA" (Bifidus) powder, which you mix with good quality water, and stir to mix. Water without chlorine and without fluoride is best. Avoid distilled water, which removes minerals from the bones. "Hard" (mineral-rich) well or spring water is best, if not contaminated with germs or chemicals.

Try getting BIFIDUS with only RICE SOLIDS mixed with the powder. This will be milk-free, and "gluten"-free. You can find this in a good health food store's refrigerated section.

Follow the dosage directions on the glass bottle, for a child his age. Keep the BIFIDUS refrigerated, but not too cold.

What caused the drop in calcium levels that led to his seizures? In light of these seizures, and poor health, vaccinations should be avoided, because sick children, and those with a "history" of seizures, are at an increased risk for more seizures.

Some children get constipated from milk. Some have problems with glutenous grains, such as wheat, rye, oats, barley, and buckwheat. Brown rice is gluten-free.

I hope he feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady

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I hope this little child gets some good medical help NOW, so he can be gently treated and cured!

Has he been seen by a good pediatric NEUROLOGIST, ENDOCRINOLOGIST, and GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST yet?

Here is what helps many infants and toddlers to correct simple constipation, that was caused by antibiotics, or other medications, or illness:

The good, beneficial bacteria called "probiotics" are often killed off by antibiotics, medications, illness, etc.

You can try giving the child (with doctor's OK) an infant/child preparation of "BIFIDO-BACTERIA" (Bifidus) powder, which you mix with good quality water, and stir to mix. Water without chlorine and without fluoride is best. Avoid distilled water, which removes minerals from the bones. "Hard" (mineral-rich) well or spring water is best, if not contaminated with germs or chemicals.

Try getting BIFIDUS with only RICE SOLIDS mixed with the powder. This will be milk-free, and "gluten"-free. You can find this in a good health food store's refrigerated section.

Follow the dosage directions on the glass bottle, for a child his age. Keep the BIFIDUS refrigerated, but not too cold.

What caused the drop in calcium levels that led to his seizures? In light of these seizures, and poor health, vaccinations should be avoided, because sick children, and those with a "history" of seizures, are at an increased risk for more seizures.

Some children get constipated from milk. Some have problems with glutenous grains, such as wheat, rye, oats, barley, and buckwheat. Brown rice is gluten-free.

I hope he feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady

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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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This poor child needs some really good medical help NOW, to figure out all that he has wrong with him, so that he can be TREATED AND CURED!

One thing that often helps constipated babies and toddlers is adding "pro-biotics" to their diet. These are beneficial bacteria. Adults usually use ACIDIOPHILUS, while babies and children usually are given BIFIDO-BACTERIA ("BIFIDUS").

In a good health food store, look for the refrigerated section, where they keep the "pro-biotics". Find some powdered BIFIDUS formula that is MILK-FREE, AND GLUTEN FREE. The bottle should contain only the BIFIDUS, and some RICE SOLIDS, which are "gluten-free".

Follow the directions for a child his age, and mix the powder with some good quality water (preferably without chlorine or fluoride).

The BIFIDUS mixed with water, usually will cure simple constipation, that was due to an imbalance of large intestinal "flora" (where the good bacteria were killed off by antibiotics or other medications, or by illness).

Has this child been seen yet by a PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, and a PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGIST (ductless glands doc) and a PEDIATRIC GASTRO-ENTEROLOGIST?

What caused the drop in calcium that led to the seizures?

With a "history" of seizures, I would not give this child any more vaccinations, because many children have had seizures due to bad side effects of vaccinations. Sick children should never be given vaccinations, according to even the proponents of vaccinations.

I hope the child feels better and gets better soon!

Sincerely, Concerned lady


P.S. I suggest that you also post your question on the General Practitioner forum also, where an actual MD answers questions!
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