The Mount Sinai Medical Center
Since 1852, The Mount Sinai Hospital has been a source of major advances in medicine, including blood transfusions, flu vaccines, liver transplants, genetic research and geriatrics. The Hospital fosters an environment in which innovation is encouraged and achieved. More
517301 tn?1229797785
sometimes there can be loss of liver function when a cirrhotic liver is resected. this would also manifest with abnormalities in the liver functio...
517301 tn?1229797785
i dont think that the scar tissue is causing the pain as mjuch as maybe its within the incision. Is the pain a recent development or has it been p...
517301 tn?1229797785
all transplant centers have differerent protocols. We used to give it life-long but now stop after 1 year. The use of the newer oral agents as mon...
517301 tn?1229797785
are his blood tests OK? I am not overly concerned by the report frankly. It doesnt appear that the ascites is large enough to cause any symptoms....
517301 tn?1229797785
it sounds like you have a viral hepatitis--it is possible that the basic viral tests can miss it. they should be checking HBV core IgM, HAV igM, H...
Doctor Profiles
517301 tn?1229797785
Specialties: Viral Hepatitis, Liver Disease, Nutri...
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New York, NY 10029
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