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Baby Brady Journals
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Brady 15 Months

Jan 27, 2012 - 0 comments

Today my baby boy is 15 months. He is doing amazingly well. He's been catching some colds lately but how else do you build an immune system?
He's walking, running, and climbing. Busy, busy boy. I'm concerned about his left food turning inward a bit. I will mention it to the doc at his 15 month check up appt next week.
He's becoming very smart....he can follow simple instructions and is saying a variety of words.
He loves playing peek a boo still and is so happy to play with his dad when he comes home from work.
He still loves all foods you give him. He's only ever had a sour face about 1 thing and it was spinach! LOL typical! I think it was texture more then anything.
I have no concerns about his development at all. I believe he will be an excellent big brother. He has baby dolls that he will pick up, hug and pat on the back. It's very cute to see. He has no idea or wont have an idea about a baby being inside my belly but we will try our best to prepare him. He likes seeing other babies but he hasn't seen very small ones yet.

How do I deal with him?

Dec 21, 2011 - 8 comments

I am soooo frustrated right now, I just want to cry. I am coming down with a cold I think. My throat hurts and my head is killing me. What's the worst is how much Brady is driving me crazy. He is SOOO clingy. All he wants me to do is hold him. He cries for every little fall he has and just screams most of the day. He was at the doctor 2 days ear infection. He has no other symptoms so it's left down to teething. He isn't better with Advil or anything. He won't bother with teethers or cold cloths. I'm at my wits end with it. DH took him out of the house today to give me a break.
I just want to break's been a week and it's draining.

Miserable little thing!

Nov 10, 2011 - 6 comments

Oh my! My child has been awful these last few weeks. Just in the afternoon. Sometimes he has a struggle going down for his afternoon nap. He sooo needs it but fights it. Especially when I am caring for other kids. When he wakes he is a nightmare. Screaming at the top of his lungs. He actually started his day out today from the moment he woke up this morning screaming. I can understand he may be in pain from these molars coming in but holy!!
I don't understand how it's just the afternoon that he is like this. From 2 until supper he is soo unhappy. I've tried everything. Advil, Tylenol, teethers, cold cloths, distraction, food, water...what else can a girl do? I feel terrible about it and don't know how to fix it.
He was actually mad and threw somewhat of a tantrum. All I did was tell him to stop and he was angry, tried hitting the blanket I had in front of me and he kind of stamps his feet. He tries to fling things or knock them off the table or something out of frustration.
It's absolutely exhausting and draining behaviour!

Excited but dreading planning Brady's 1st bday party

Aug 24, 2011 - 0 comments

We have a HUGE family. DH and I both have divorced parents. I have stepparents along with grandparents that are divorced and remarried!! LOL It makes for a lot of people, yet a lot of people that wouldn't really be that comfortable together.
Our home is small and I don't know how to go about planning his first birthday! It would be nice not to have to have a whole bunch of different parties. Especially since it's close to Halloween. (Oct 27th is his bday)
I don't know how I'm going to do this! It'd be nice to have it outdoors but usually it's quite cold by then! It'd be too much expense to rent out a place....ugh! Good thing I'm starting this 2 months early!
My bday is also 5 days before his but this is all about him for sure!!