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Okay, so while reading posts today, someone made a comment about "the homeless" that really stuck in my head. I used to look at the homeless as scum, beggars, losers, people who didn't want to work or were just plain dirty, nasty and gross....this was in my teenage years.  Where I live we have a large amount of homeless, esp. in Los Angeles county.  I have heard the statement that "nobody chooses to be homeless"  well, yes they do.  Many of our "street people" do make that choice.  The ones that choose to be are usually suffering some kind of mental illness.....People say......."they just need to get cleaned up and get a job"  well, that all sounds good, but is not really practical.

When I became a volunteer I was able to see and understand where these individuals are coming from.  I think its horrible, and these are people ---no lesser than you or me.  Feel very fortunate if you do have most of your faculties and have a roof over your head.  I couldn't imagine what it would be like to live under a bridge, or in a cardboard box literally on the street, and pray for these individuals or will now pray for them everyday.

Just recently there was a homeless man that was literally set on fire.  He was harmless and loved by the community.  He was just getting some sleep on the street as he did every night for 20 years.  One night a young man walked up to him, and poured gasoline on him and set him on fire. Some young.......passers by, who witnessed this happen tried to put the fire out, but could not.  One of the young me who tried his best said the man never said a word, not a help, not a scream of pain as his body burned, but, that he raised his hands to up to the sky......my opinion God, and dropped to the ground and passed away.  The community was outraged, they lost a friend, a good man who "begged" for spare change to get a burger at a local convenience store or whatever he chose to use it for.  He was loved by many......not seen as a loser, or a beggar, or piece of cr ap.   Although, there are people out on the streets who are alcoholics and drug addicts.......Are we who post here about our drug addictions  with a roof over our heads, and food in the fridge.......are we any better, or just lucky?.....I say we all count our blessings.

I am also aware that there are people who do have a roof over there head and are basically "fakes" who do this as an easy way out, and I hear it pays better than minimum wage, but who am I to decide or deprive someone of some spare change trying to decipher who is real or fake?.......I will always give something if I am asked.  It's not my place to decide what they use the money for.  Whether its booze, or drugs?.....I will never know.  If someone asks and I have.......I will give.  

I only pray to God that if I am ever in that position that someone would treat me the same.  I have respect for these people as I would have for anyone else.  You have too.  These are human beings, regardless, right?......As hard as it is to not be judgmental.........

Oops......I guess this again should have been a journal, but oh, well.........

17 Responses
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Lets hope that whomever did this has some 'real' justice handed down to him by his cell mates while he's a 'guest' of the state for the next 25 years.
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401786 tn?1309152034
Not having a roof over one's head does not make one a scumbag....I learned long ago not to judge, and that I have great compassion for these folks....It's interesting to me, when one of these scumbags wants to show society that THEY'RE right, and to teach WHOMEVER they're villifying a lesson, they do the most objectionable, inhumane, horrific things...I wonder if they ever sit back later and ponder over their glory, that they just made themselves look like an a$$...
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You know it's kind of funny.  What inspired me to write this post was I was reading another post and the poster referred to "street people" as beggars and scumbags.  I find it Ironic that the punk that did this surely has a roof over his head and food in his fridge, obviously a car to drive and who knows what else.  And, he is referred to as scumbag.......you are correct in that statement.  

The one who committed this act thinking he is doing this to this man because he is a "scumbag"  when in fact......."a scumbag himself"  just different circumstances....Hmm?  interesting.
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611067 tn?1458591483
Years ago when I used public transportation all the time, I rode the bus with a man who was a vietnam vet and he was in very bad shape.  I felt so bad for him.  One day I sat on the bench next to him and he was talking into a toothbrush that was attached to a string and on the other end of the string was a pencil he had up against his ear.  He whispered that a spy was sitting next to him and that he had to stop talking now.   Then he became very quiet and just kept looking at me.  My heart just broke to think this poor man was so lost in his own world and terrified that everyone was the enemy.  I made myself a promise back then (I was 21) that I would never judge anyone who was homeless and that I would do what I could to help.  He never got over thinking I was a spy.  

Not long after that, the law firm I worked for was sponsoring a chili bash for the homeless.  I volunteered.  I remember going to the shelter and seeing all the families there.  They had a hallway that was locked for just families and then one for women and one for men.  That day, I noticed a tall, black man in the middle court playing basketball with the children.  It was Karl Malone with the Utah Jazz.  He was laughing and having a blast with the kids.  The people running the shelter told me he would go there every single day, but that he did not want the press to know he was there because then they would come and it would distract from him taking his time to be with the kids.  My heart swelled with such admiration for that man!

We can all make a difference!  God loves all of us!!!
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401786 tn?1309152034
I hope the complete scum bag that set this poor man on fire gets what he deserves...and I have to say, if I was king of the world that man would want to start runnin' now...'cause my brand of justice is a bit swifter and firmer than what's currently doled out...
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521742 tn?1255107015
There is this woman who lives by me. She sings with a fake microphone everyday at a shopping center. Im guessing she is homeless because she carrys bags in a shopping cart everywhere she goes. Whats funny is in alot of ways I envy her. Shes happy everyday enough to go out and sing in every kind of weather. Anyway one day I was online in Kolhs and the woman left her cart in the front of the store so she could go inside and use the bathroom. Well this other lady took her cart and was on line in front of me and the singing lady asked for her cart back and was VERY upset over it do u know that the lady wouldnt give her the cart back?? I was so beside myself that people can be sooo cruel. I was just so upset it has bothered me ever since and this was last christmas.
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i read about that homesless man caught on fire in LA on foxnews.com not too long ago....very sad.

so, are most people on here saying being homeless is NOT a choice....if they are a drug addict......??
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Great post....I always give to those less fortunate then myself.I have had people say to me 'why would you give that person money,they're just going to buy drugs or alcohol with it.' I always look at it this way...When I give I do so with the best of intentions and it's out of my hands as far as what the person I gave it too does with it.  And you're right nauty,especially for those of us who post on this forum,we're the lucky ones.There but for the grace of God go I.
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My brother, 56, is homeless by choice.  Since the trailer home my sister bought him, was lost to a developer, he started to live on the streets of S/E Florida.  He was a fixture for years selling newspapers on a busy intersection.  He slept in his tent in wooded areas.  He is the most gentle, Jesus like person.  We all help him financially and even though he has a curved back, he did not go to the government for help.  My brother would save his money, fly to a state, buy a bicycle in a local Walmart then travel around, meeting the nicest people.  He is scary looking with his long grey hair,  thick sideburns, few teeth, but most people saw his good heart. He is now hobo cycling and picking fruit in Hawaii.   He feels so welcomed there that I bought him a lot so he can tent on it forever.  
So seeing homeless people, I know some of them are gentle, some need mental help and others need financial help.  Donate to homeless shelters etc if you can.
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I also agree 100 % .. Unfortunetly more people with Family's are becoming homeless... It is sad and Oh so very hard to come back from... My heart truly does go out to them.. lesa
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I too agree with you 100%; it is a shame to see how many people are homeless and how the general populus treat them; the majority do have mental issues, slow, or have issues with coping, PTSD, addiction, etc. The federal government and many state governments closed many hospitals and stopped many programs to help these people during the 90's; I saw in increase in homeless when they closed 10 hospital in Michgan, many people being criminally insane or handicap due to causes beyond thier control, many from birth or from being a veteran.

Its so easy to lose faith and tease than it is to step up, fight for humanity and try to get these people relief or a way out.
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306455 tn?1288862071
Great Post Naughty, I agree with you 100%.
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340590 tn?1290952141
very thought provoking post nauty.
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611067 tn?1458591483

Great post.  I just watched the movie Kit Kitridge (or however you spell it) and it was based during the great depression and was amazing to watch how people treated those who lost everything and had to live in hobo camps.  My heart was touched by how many men left home to look for work and then stopped communicating with their families, probably due to no money and probably felt ashamed to go home. My heart just hurt - I know it was just a movie, but this really happened and still happens today.  

I'm someone who gives change or a couple dollars if someone asks and I have it.  I don't question what they will do with it.  But, if someone is holding a sign they need money for food I will go buy them something and bring it to them.  They always thank me and most with tears in their eyes.  I am not rich, but obviously in a better situation than many.  

I believe the only difference between someone who is homeless and me - is a lot of luck!  I know some people choose that lifestyle and don't want to work, but I will not judge who that person might be because I have no way of knowing.

One of my brothers lived with me for many years.  Just before I got married I told him he needed to find another place to live.  I gave him 6 months.  He never found a place and when the deadline came I had to make him leave.  It was the most horrible feeling in the world.  He had no place to go.  He ended up in a homeless shelter.  He was always invited for dinner, but he was 26 and it was time for him to be on his own and stop allowing me to take care of him.  To this day, he thanks me because it's what made him get his head on straight and now he has his own place and has a nice life.  I say that, because we just never know who's brother, sister, father, or mother is in that situation.  I would hope that we would all have compassion for others no matter what situation they are in.

I also am heartbroken to hear of harm coming onto the homeless.  Very often it's from each other. They are very protective of their stuff.  They don't have much but what they have they hold onto for dear life.  My brother said he learned so many things while on the streets.  

So, please never judge - you just don't know if or when it could be you or your loved ones.  And, in my eyes, we're all God's children!
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Very sensative post Nauty.  You made a strong key point, one  so many of us don't want to face or address in America any longer, and that is the lack of facilities and medical treatment  for people suffering from severe mental health issues.  

I know all statistics can be skewed in almost any direction, yet if you look at the composite of homeless, the majority are war vets from the VietNam war, whom became horribly addicted to drugs while there,  were greated almost as criminal when they returned to the US, and any treatment for our vets is border line non existant  and totally unacceptable.  We are all "patriots", and pound our chests loudly or put a bumper sticker on our car, yet it is those that have actually fought in a war that are the most forgotten.          A child that "ages out" of a foster home has absolutely no where to go.......   a mere child that has been abadoned by their parents, and bounced from home to home,  and many of those homes where they were not wanted, have not been taught the basics of human dignity,  and when the checks no longer arrive in the mail to the "foster parents" the child is out........  my gosh  where do they go?  (Please know I have the utmost respect for any foster parent that truly accepts and takes care of their foster child, unfortunatley that is not always the case)         Those that suffer from severe mental disorders, really don't have the facilties to seek alternative care, at limited as it may be, their chances for  mental treatment or a productive life are not good.

Drug and alchohal addiction is also a contributor of homeless people.  Is it a disease or a choice?  And what about those that don't have families to pay the insane amount of monies it takes to get into treatment........assuming they have a family that cares one iota of their whereabouts in the first place.  Or they are 2nd and 3rd generation of total and complete dysfunction.

Some, perhaps  a small minority, chose to be homeless.  But the majority,  I truly think it is a sad commentary of our society and state/govt funding that has been allocated in the wrong direction.      This is not a Republican problem  or a Democrat problem  and unfortunatley most think  it is not "my problem".  

I disagree,  and I hope to god my conviction does not change in that regard.  I have been so very blessed in my life, and I try not to ever take that for granted.   So no I don't mock those on the street,   and it is not always what I want to do a few days a week,  but I feel it is absolutely my responsibilty to help others in need in whatever small way I can......gosh isn't that the basics of humanity?

When we read of the homeless that have been set on fire,  beat to death or tortured for the amusement or thrill of some arrogant lost soul, it breaks my heart.  Just as it does when I pass the homeless  living  on the  streets.

I guess that is why I don't see  "community leader" as an insult,  rather someone that aspired to make more of a contribution than what I am capable or willing to do, and that is hard for me to admit.  

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669241 tn?1236264344
This is so true about tht wa people look at the  homeless . I know a man who lost everything first job, home and then family. He was an executive vice pres. of a very large co. He has been homeless for many years now and he didnt choose to be. Things just all went the wrong way. If you feel safe about it take the person out to eat or put something on there back to keep warm. If you want to make sure the mony is used right go get some hot food and return with it or a coat. These people for the most part did not choose to do this.
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495284 tn?1333894042
I hope the people responsible for that mans death rot in he!!.

There was in interesting topic on Oprah(i know.....)  They watched this homeless man for about a month and one day they placed a suitcase with 100,000 in a dumpster that he frequented.  He found it.  He pretty much gave all of it away to other homeless people.  He did get a vehicle and an apartment for awhile.  He went thru the money and now is on the street again and he is happy with that.  He had a bed in his bedroom but still slept on the floor.  They wanted to see if giving someone that sort of money would change them.  He didnt feel bad about giving it away.  He did speak of some people who only associated with him becuz of the money.

Am i any better than them......NO im not.

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