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shelby74 - Are you there?

Hi shelby,

I always read posts of yours and you just seem as sweet as tzt.  If you are here, I just wanted to get your opinion on something.  I'm going to be speaking to my doctor today, so I wanted to talk to you before that since tzt isn't here.  NOT THAT YOU ARE SECOND CHOICE.............LOL!!!  It's just that I know that you don't really know me yet and I'm already asking your advice!  LOL  I hope you don't think that is weird.  I feel like I know you cuz I read most of your posts.  You seem like someone I can ask.

25 Responses
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256607 tn?1248899504
You are between a rock and a hard place.  So is my Sal.  You are in the waiting period before surgery and and the only option is pain management.  Hence the need for pain management.  The problem is that for your diagnosis and Sally's, there is no real cure, so you are stuck trying to manage your life and control your pain using any means possible.  The problem with Sally is that she is a recovering drug addict that has to take pain meds to control her pain, which to me is like a food addict.  You cannot simply stop eating.  You have to learn to manage and balance.  So that is how you and her may be different.  

So right now, She is way out of balance.  And today I am over it.  Just today.  I will not give up on her, EVER.  Our love is too strong and I would rather live the rest of my life with her like this than live without her.  That is my choice.  

I don't have an answer.  It seems you are where you have to be, as is she.  So balance is the only key to the pain management issue.  Without balance, we fall.  My fear is that her fall will take her away from me.  That is why I hate drugs today.  


In regards to being an RN, sometimes knowing so much is a disadvantage, don't you think?  It can create fear that we might not have had...had we not seen the results of our patients.  Knowledge can be good and bad.

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You are really sweet to write back.  Please hang in there with your partner.  I really don't want to call myself an addict because I take these meds for legitimate pain, but I can totally relate to what she is going through.  She does have legitimate pain from what I remember......doesn't she?  Does she admit that she has a problem?  If she does....there's hope, if not........I see where you are SO frustrated with her.  I can't imagine how she can not admit that she has a problem taking SO, SO many SOMA.  Please don't give up on her yet.  I know they're are people on here who can give you advice and ideas as to how to help her.  I know you must feel like you're taking the meds right along with her cuz she's dragging you through all her **** so what's the difference huh?!  

I have a herniated disc and annular tear in L5/S1, bulges in L3-4, L4-5 with disc desiccation. Actually she says tiny disc protrusion in L4-5 also, mild spondylosis.  I have a disc imprinting on the exiting nerve root on my right (right neural foraminal narrowing secondary to disc bulge).  Ligamentum flavum hypertropy in a couple of levels.  Blah, blah, blah!!  lol  Anyway, all I know is I have pain and my body feels (sometimes) like an 80 year old worman's.  So there is my MRI results (or part of it anyway).  I've been to two differnt orth guys who both told me I had Bursitis!!!!  LATER DUDES!  

I really love my doctor.  I guess I've loved him so much because he really is kind.  He'll call me at home at 8:00 if he has to.  He's a lovely man.  BUT.......he does prescribe ALOT of medicine (which I have ALWAYS APPRECIATED) in the past because I had all this pain.  The other Pain Management guy I was seeing never let me take more than 4-6 pills/day.  Now I'm allowed 12.  AND........Yes, he is a Pain Management doc.

I am an RN.......I can't remember if I told you that.  So, I have taken care of SO, SO many people who are totally worse off than before they had any surgery.  I really don't want to be like that.  I know surgery is only successful, something like, 50% of the time (YIKES..........THAT SCARED THE **** OUT OF ME!!)  

Anyway, I AM so tired of being physically dependant on this medicine, but I don't want to live the rest of my life in pain and I'm afraid to have surgery.

I'M A MESS HUH?!!!   LOL..............Any thoughts?


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256607 tn?1248899504
I am here girl.  It is so weird because I am kind of feeling the same even though I am not the one taking the meds.

First of all.....Is this a pain mgmt doc???  Because, as you know, I used to work in ortho and I can tell you from experience, an ortho doc will perform surgery just going on pain alone.  Diagnostic testing can only tell you so much.  Sometimes they operate even when tests come back negative when a patient is complaining of chronic pain because they know pain is an indication that something is wrong.  Sometimes like on a knee or another joint, they can go in and just clean things up a bit and solve the problem.

Now in your situation, you have actually been diagnosed with something, right?  So what is this quack talking about.  I'm all for kind and gentle physicians, but if he is blowing smoke up your a**
and not giving you correct info, you might concider getting a second or third or fourth opinion.  Having worked with doctors for 12 years, I can tell you there is nothing better than a good doc.  The problem is finding one.

If you are concidering surgery, see a surgeon or two or three.  You have that right.  If you are seeing a neuro guy, then see an ortho and visa versa.  They do think differently.  And if you are seeing a pain specialist, they are not surgeons so their opinions will be totally different.  Does that make sense.  

Girl, I am tired of being tired too and I am not the addict, but I can tell you, today.....I am tired of being a slave to my partners addiction.  I am so over it.  My patience is wearing thin.  Im sure I can work through it and will feel better later or even tomorrow.  I hope.

*kisses and love right back***
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I got home so late yesterday.  I went to my friend's dad's doctor appointment.  Then I had to pick my son up from footbal practise.  He gets done at 5:05, guess what time we got home?  ALMOST 7:00!!!  ARGH!!  I also take two of his friends home.  Of course then I have my other son at HIS football practise, then it's dinner, then homework, then showers...............it's never-ending!!!   LOL  

Thank you all for the advice.  I sure hope that you see my "thank you" today since I never did get back on yesterday!  You are all just the best.  I think I will maybe ask my doc about taking Soma.  He kind of scares me a little, because I've asked him that in the past and he called it a sedative and that he wasn't crazy about it.  Well.........it's a muscle relaxant, not a sedative.......like EVERYONE knows that.  So, that kind of freaked me out.  He also said no one has surgery because of pain alone.  He says if you have neuro. deficits.....then ok......but not just for pain.  I personally find that weird.  Of course people have surgery for pain!!!  That's why most people have surgery.  I mean you have pain because something is wrong with your body.  Then.......you go in and fix it.  That also kind of freaked me out.  Does he really have my best interest at heart???  He is very kind and gently and understanding..........BUT!!!...........

I just don't know what to do you guys.  I think I want to be OFF this medicine, but then the thought ALONE of that scares the **** out of me.  I don't want to live in pain either!!!  I sometimes wonder if the pain is WORSE because of the medicine.  All I know is that I'm really tired of being TIRED and sick of being a SLAVE  to it!!!!!

I hope you all are here today...................HELP!!!!!!!  

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See you later hun and I will be sending all the strength I can your way...take care.


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256607 tn?1248899504
And with misty eyes and a greatful heart I thank you and promise, I will take you up on that.  Blessings!!!!!!!!!  Must get back to work.  See you all tomorrow.  ***cuddles***
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My pleasure - please if you need anything or have any questions just ask.  I could only imagine how hard it must be for you.
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256607 tn?1248899504
Thank you so much.  My hope and faith level is up way higher since yesterday.  You all are wonderful people and I am glad to be here.
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See that is what I thought.  It really does give an extra boost to the hydro's in relieving pain.  I hope that works for you swany.  

debsally - I am really sorry about your partner.  You have come to the right place for info though.  It is proved invaluable to me.


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256607 tn?1248899504
I'm actually going to agree with shelby in regards to the soma, which may surprise you concidering my partners situation.  From a med asst point of view working in ortho for years, Soma can be a very useful med only if taken as prescribed.  Be careful taking w/ food, although not indicated it can make you feel drunk when you take it w/ food and please be careful.  I would hate to see you go down the same road my girl has gone down and end up with one more problem....you know?
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Thankyou sweetie/////////! The kid does me so proud!!!!!!!!!
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He is the shizzynizzit! thats right he is the  S H**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I could imagine but he is so amazing to do what he does.  So brave.  What a wonderful man you have raised Cath.
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Oh my goodness hun you have had a lot going on!  I am a firm believer that stress causes pain or at the very least makes it worse.  I am so sorry that everything seems to be happening at once.  My mom and sister have had breast cancer - I completely know where you are coming from there.  Early detection was key for them.  It is a long story, so I won't bore you - the fact that my mom got a random form of breast cancer (it is not in here gene's) - actually saved my sisters life - she is actually my half sister and hers is hereditary (sp?).  Both my sister and I have been vigilant with self exams now because of what happened to my mom.  Anyway my sister caught her very agressive cancer early!  She still had to have a double mas and hysterectomy.  Sorry i cannot spell half that junk.  Anyway, they are survivors.  I am so proud of both of them.  FYI my mom does not have the breast cancer gene - so I lucked out - I am still careful though.  Whew - sorry went off there for a bit! lol

Yes honey try the Soma!  If my pain was really intense I would take 2 at once.  Sometimes and I am not reccommending this in the least - I would take around 5 at bedtime.  I felt totally gone though.  I am sure I was playing with fire there but as addict I would rationalize everything.

You know another thing that helps me is swimming.  I used to love to float in the pool when I lived in CA.  My three dogs would attack me in the pool but it was sort of relaxing! LOL

Oh and I have a stepson who is 15 almost 16.  Aren't teenagers fun?? Actually he is a good boy - just thinks he knows EVERYTHING!!

Another thing I use a lot is ice packs and I force my husband to rub my neck.  It makes me so mad though because I have to beg.  Maybe go for a massage every once in awhile?

Thank you for taking my mind of me - it means so much to me.  It was a rough day but I am feeling better.  


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I won my workmans comp case on the day I got maried Valentines Day. 20k. It was a glorious day after already being doen and then being coutinusuoisly to the curb. Those son of a ---- mther**ing,
a$$holes.bit--.............dic @headspric&$$ JERKS!!! HATEM HATEM HATEM. Excuse me but I just had to add my $00.2 cents worth. We can talk about my son anytime. Shelby there was a time I coulden't talk about him without crying. Hope, shelby and the rest od the gals helped me thru, Cali,Emily, Where are my girls?????????????
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Ultram made me SICK, SICK AND SICK!!!  I have Soma that I never took at my parents house ( I gave it to them ccuz my mom hurt her back gardening).  I'm gonna go get it back!!!   THANKS
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OHHHHH!!!!!!  I JUST LOVE YOU GUYS (GIRLS! LOL)!  OK.....I'm gonna say "Thank you" one more time because I just can't believe the support and help that everyone offers.  I've never seen anything like it.  Thanks you guys!

OK....I will try to make this as short as possible.  Shel........your mom had 8 back surgeries?!!  8????  WOW!!  That is EXACTLY what I'm the most afraid of.  I am an RN and I am a "workman's comp" case.  EWWWWW!!!  I just HATE, HATE, HATE saying that.  The hospital I work for actually contacted ME because they saw documentation from my doctor's visit in which I told my doc that I know my job has caused my back injuries (at that time I hadn't had an MRI so I didn't know exactly what my injuries were).  So I said, "Workman's Comp?????  Oh no, no, no.  I never said this was workman's comp.!"  They said, "Oh no, we have to contact everyone who thinks their injury might be job related because that's the law".  They sent me paperwork and I threw it in the garbage can.  (lol......oops)  Then after talking to the Human Resources lady who asked me, "why did you do that?  if you think it is job related you'd better file because if you don't you will loose your benefits!"  Well, needless to say I walked my little butt over to file.  The neurosurgeon who I had been referred to had already taken me off of work.  That's how it all started.  I had first complained to a doctor in 2001 about my back pain that radiated into my right butt cheek.  In the mean time I was a nurse and worked in Radiology and the Cardiac Cath Lab (wearing  a lead apron for approx. 10 years).  I did only work part-time at this point.  7 out of 10 working days, then down to 6 then down to 5.  Anyway, the Radiologist I work with tried to talk me out of having an MRI.  He said Lisa...you're young and in good shape, why are we doing this?  I told him about my symptoms.  By this point they had gotten relentless...pain all the time, ( but still running 3 miles/day and walking also.......oops!  lol).  We did the MRI the next day because I said I know something is wrong.  We sat down in the back room cuz he read them right with me, and said, "oh man......I'm so glad I didn't talk you out of having this MRI.  Sent me straight to see a neurosurgeon and that was that.

It's been approx. 2.5 years now.  I slowly worked my way to the pain management doc.  Don't want surgery, so stopped seeing the neuro guy.  Tried physical therapy, accupuncture, nerve-root block, blah, blah, blah!  Now I'm here!!  

How was that for a nutshell?  I really have a hard time condensing things.  I get cut off of every single one of my friends answering machines ALL THE TIME!!  LOL  Talk too much I guess!

OK..........Ya, I was really having a hard month with my pain.  You know.......I think stress increases your pain and my mom had breast cancer 2 years ago.  My dad has been VERY, VERY ill for approx. 1 year now.  Is just now coming out of the woods (he's 70).  We lost our 9 year old nephew 2 years ago.  I have teenage boys 16 and 13.  It's just been alot of stuff man!!  lol  So, I just couldn't get my pain under control!  And, yes I was just taking 2 here, 2 there.  I knew I was taking too much and decided to count my pills after I had had my prescription for about 5 days.  OMG!!!!!!  I ABOUT THREW UP!!  I averaged 27 a day!!!  You know what.  Even though I was taking too much, I still have a hard time believing that I took that much.  I told this to my psychologist who I see.  I told her I was thinking that they had to have filled my prescription wrong.  She said that I should count from now on because she has some clients who were actually having their rx's wrong (I guess someone was taking them at the pharmacy).  SO.........I DON'T KNOW!!!  I can't imagine how I could have possibly taken that much.  That is the only time anything like that has happened.  I have finished my Rx early, but nothing like that.

SHOOT!!!  My friend's mom who just died...........her husband has a doctor's appointment today and I go with him to help him.  DANG IT!!! That means I have to go now.  

I will be so looking forward to coming home and reading what you all have written back to me.  GOD!!  Lonote.......I didn't know about your son.  I really want to talk with you about that!!!!  Like I said, I have two boys and the thought of them being so far away, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN!!!!!   IN THE NAVY!!!!!   AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!  (that was supposed to be a scream........lol).  My prayers are so, so with your boy.

Please write back you guys and tell me what you think.......ok?

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I just saw that you are a nurse!  I am sure my advice is very helpful! LOL
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Hey there hun!  Oh your son is something - if I was you I would be beaming with pride (I am sure you are anyway)!  Can you have him pick me up some diamonds while he is down there? lol

I love the rain - just not when you are trying to do something outside.  It has been cool here actually - in the 70's!  I am so thrilled - I hate, hate, hate the heat!!!!
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I am here for you. I'm home from work having a pretty good day in spite its been raining the last five days. Tomorrow the Minnesota state Fair starts and what are they predicting??????? You got it.
Well those of you that know me my son is in the Navy and he just crossed the Equator. His first pos will be Port will be Cape town Africa. Thats a long f---ing time to be in the middle of the ocean.
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The people here are amazing and I am so happy I came here.  I am very happy that you found this site too.

Ok - let's see - as far as the meds go.  I have not tried all these things and I am sure my neck/back pain is no where close to yours but my mom has had around 8 back surgeries and finally here pain is under control.  Oh and a quick note - the days you were taking 20 - was that from pain or just taking them without realizing it?  Also, have you had back surgery - if you could tell me more that would be helpful.  I am a little concerned at the amounts you are taking...so let's get this under control ASAP.  

First I am sure you have tried this but muscle relaxer like Soma along with the Oxy's?  I know together hydro and soma can knock out pretty much any pain I may have.  I know this is a simple idea but I wanted to suggest it because Soma for me was much easier to get off of then hydro's/opiates.

What about Ultram - my mom takes a few of those a day now and she is practically pain free.  Her last surgery was a success though - finally!  Ultram is nice because it does not give you that "high" feeling but it is just as hard, if not harder then oxy's to w/d from.  So please becareful with that.

Also, I have read on here about a non-narcotic sort of pain patch.  I believe beachtowel on the other forum uses it for back pain.  

Have you tried physical therapy?  Is your job a factor in your pain?  I am sorry I am asking so many questions but I want to help you as much as I can.  Driving and my job hurt my back - fortunately (well most of the time) advil is working.  I have never had a surgery and I did not start taking the pills for my back.  I used them to cover my emotions - so I did not have to feel.  Once my back did start bothering me - they sure came in handy! lol  Then again if I could go back in time and not take them - I would.  


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You are just so generous to be here to help me!  Man, the people that I have found on this forum are just all amazing.  Of course I have my favorites........lol.  

Anyway, I'm waiting for a phone call from my pain management doctor.  I had called 2 weeks ago (the day that I came to this forum) and told the nurse I was having trouble with my meds.  Long story short......I talked to her for a long while, whe left a message on his desk (he was on vacation).  He gave me a quick call last Wed. but wasn't back from vacation yet so he said we would talk about everything today.  I am taking 12 Norco/day and supposed to be taking Oxycodond at night because it makes me very sleepy.  Well, I've ran out of my Norco (because I went out of control with them and took over 20 for several days before I realized what I had done.........that's when I came on this forum).  Tzt helped me to get myself back down to approx. 16 (of whatever)/day.  Since I've run out of my Norco, I'm now just taking the Oxy (which I will not take 16 because it makes me too sleepy).  I was trying not to refill my Oxy, but of course I cannot be off of everything because I have too much pain (multiple things wrong with my back).  

I don't know what your story is or why you were taking the pain meds, but I'm not sure what I want to ask my doctor for.  I've tried everything in the book!  I actually only tried one Kadian and turned the bottle back into the doctor (but I can't remember why I didn't like it!).  He always wants me to try the sustaind-release ones, but I never like how they make me feel AND they don't cover the pain.  I think he would let me take the Norco for breakthrough pain though.

ARGH!!  I don't know if you have any suggestions or not.  You may be thinking, "why the hell would you ask me that!!!! you idiot!"  LOL  I just want to be ok and as pain-free as possible.  AND........I'm not sure exactly how honest (or how much) I should tell my doctor.  I really feel back in control and just lost it for a couple of days there so I don't want him to think I have a problem.

What do you think?  Sorry for the ramble.

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Oh don't you worry about that - I will be fine - I have been through this junk once or twice in my life! lol  Please tell me what you need help with - I will do what I can.  Plus it will take my mind off feeling sorry for myself - which is a very good thing! :)

Oh and if you need to email me: ***@**** - no spaces of course.


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OMG..............How insensitive of me!  I forgot that you are in the midst of feeling horrible!!  God, I'm so sorry!!  Let me know if you are up for a talk.  If not I totally understand.  OR!!  Better yet, if YOU want to vent and talk to ME you let me know!!!  You are so sweet to even respond at all...........Man!  That damn depression is so very horrible.  Please know that you are NEVER alone!  I know it feels like you are so alone at the moment, but you are so NOT!!  We've all been there (by there I mean depressed......I have never actually gone through cold-turkey w/d symptoms and personally......I CAN'T BEGIN TO IMAGINE HOW AWFUL IT IS.......I've gone through w/d, but not cold-turkey!).  Please know I'm here if you want to vent.

If your up to give advice...........I'll take that too!!!  LOL.

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