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Casein in glue

For those of you that cannot even come into contact with dairy products-- I learned that white school glue, such as Elmers, is made from the milk protein casein. There should be some sort of law that companies cannot make products with the top allergens.

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681148 tn?1437661591
OMG.  I did not know this.  Thanks so much for the information.
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It is crazy I did some more digging and 1/2 the sites say elmers uses casein and 1/2 do not-- elemers says that it does not. Who to believe?

They did admit that one of their paints has wheat and oats. Like I said who to believe?
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681148 tn?1437661591
Well, I would take this to mean that it's better safe than sorry.  If in doubt, don't use their products at all for anything.
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2041834 tn?1330538503
I know the question about play-doh comes up a lot too.
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I personally would stay away from play-doh because of gluten. My guess is if you google gluten or dairy free play-doh you can find some.
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168348 tn?1379357075
I still don't get why the manufacturers don't think these things through or "believe" that allergies are real!!!!

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681148 tn?1437661591


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